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Welcome to MidwestEnduros.com, created and updated by Ryan Moss. My hopes are to post news about upcoming enduro events, results from each race, and points standings from each series. The series that I try to cover are: AMA District 14, 16, 17, 23 and IERA events. I will try to provide a simple and efficient way of getting the information out to the Midwest Enduro Riders.
I want to help promote your event and to provide information to the riders. So get your information to me and I will get it posted up for you. I can post before / after race information, route sheets, results, etc. Preferred methods are Microsoft Excel, Word, or PDF Files.
New Enduro Riders:
Please check out the About Enduros tab to get information about the sport of enduros. Lots of your questions can be answered there.
03/19:25: Enduro Season is getting closer and updates are coming in! Grand Kankakee Trail Riders Sand Booger Trail Ride Update: From the Club: There have been a lot of questions around the Sand Booger event on Saturday, April 26. In past years it was the Sand Booger Family Enduro. Due to cost per rider and new AMA rules, we decided to move away from the Family Enduro Series and put on the Sand Booger Family Trail Ride. No competition, but a great way to spend time with family and friends on the trails. The day will start off with sign up opening at 7:30 and running till 10:00 am. No sign ups after that. You must be signed up and have a number to have access to the trails. You do not have to be an AMA member but we recommend you join to help support AMA and events like this. There will be a riders
meeting at 9:30 am to go over the format of the day. You will have a well marked
trail of over 18 miles per loop. We will be opening the loops at 10 am. You will
have until 2 pm to start into the last loop. With no scoring, you can start with
a group of family or friends, or take a lap by yourself. No scoring, no set
number of laps, and no worries about keeping time. And finally, no having to
wait on scoring. If you had fun with a loop or two you can rest as long as you
like. And start and stop when you like. You can find additional information about the trail ride, enduro and club happenings on the website: Website Looking forward to seeing all of you the weekend of April 26 & 27. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Jeff Fredette, (708) 946-0999. The enduro will run as normal on Sunday and more information will be out soon. South East Wisconsin Enduro Riders (Aka S.E.W.E.R) Mecan River Outfitters Closed Course Enduro Flyer: This is an all new location and a great location. This will be a two day event with kids events on Saturday and the adult event on Sunday. Plus I'm told they have other activities through Mecanriveroutfitters.com that can be done making for a great weekend. 02/19/25: Family Enduro Series Updates: From the Family Enduro Team: As we get ready for the
new riding season, we have some good news and some other information. What is the other news? Our first event will be April 12th in Union City, IN. The family enduro in Roselawn, IN on April 26th is changing the format from a timekeeping to restart format. I have safety concerns about using a restart format with the variety of experience and skill we have riding the family enduros and have advised the club that I would let people know about the event, but the Roselawn family enduro will NOT BE IN OUR SERIES. Union City Family Enduro Flyer 01/22/25: Schedule Pages: I've updated them with all the dates that I can find. If things change I'll get them updated. Product Review Section: Years back I tried to do a product of the month to let riders know about products I use. TBH every month was a challenge and I failed after a few months. So I was thinking if I changed it to a Product Review section I could add when I had time and update people something new was there. I just added a review of Nitro Mousse so give it a look and hopefully I can add more throughout the year. I'll update as I get updates or more dates.
General FYI about scoring and protest period: This season many of the clubs and directors from the Midwest Enduro
series have received more than the usual amount of communications about a riders
score being wrong long after the event and protest period is over. Per the
AMA rules once the protest period is over the results are final. What this
means is it's the riders responsibility to stay and make sure your score is
correct, your class is correct, etc. not bail to get home early and then call,
txt, email that night or two days later that you score was wrong and it should
be fixed; classes can be fixed but that should be done before you leave the
event. Yes I know everyone has a long drive and sometimes you just have to
leave so if that is the case have a buddy check for you. While it's no fun
for you to have a messed up score it's no fun for a rider to think he got X
place at the event then when points are posted he got X. And truth be told
it's no fun for the clubs and the Directors of each series to be in the middle
of that. So please stay or have your score checked, especially if you are
a point’s chaser and want the correct score / points.
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